I posted my Xterra on Craigslist today! It was both liberating and sad. For those of you who have known me for a long time, you realize that the Xterra was more than just a vehicle to me...it was a sign of my independence. However, I realize it is just a material item and the true sign of independence is being able to sell it and move to New Zealand!
On the same day I posted my "for sale" ad, I saw this blog on Twitter - Explore for a year. The author talks about the process of selling your possessions and traveling abroad for a year. I felt like she was reading my mind, because I have the exact same thoughts: Will I need this when I come back to the states? I am selling this so much less than I bought it for? If I have to get a storage unit, I might as well keep it all, right?
She helped me see the positive side of selling my possessions and she had the following revelations:
- Beautiful things are nice, but freedom is even better
- Experiences make me happy, not things
- The more I latch on, the harder it is for new things to flow into my life
- Minimalism leads to clarity
Wish me luck as I try to sell the Xterra! She will be missed!
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